Guest Post: The Little Things

Brenda, a friend from my time spent in Seattle cyber-introduced me to Cara Meredith and I’ve loved getting to know Cara through her blog. And today I have a guest post over on Cara’s blog celebrating the little things. In “She Called Out to Me” I write about a woman I met while I was in college in Chicago.  Here’s a snippet:

She Called Out To Me

“Dearie, are you going across the street? Dearie, do you think you could help me cross the street?”

I turned to the woman who’d called out for help. She wore a red striped scarf wrapped around her head, only a thatch of white hair at her forehead visible. The collar of her black fur coat, knee-length and quite shaggy, was buttoned and hid her neck from the blustery Chicago wind. She was standing on the corner, holding onto the blue mailbox with one hand and clutching a cane with the other. I had intended to hurry past her as I mentally reviewed my recent ups and downs as a college student. “Of course,” I said, stepping over to her and putting my arms through hers, preparing us to walk down the aisle painted like a crosswalk.

To read more, visit me over on Cara’s blog and while you’re there you should check out some of her other posts!

Thanks for having me, Cara!


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